Opened 12 years ago

#228 new enhancement

enhancement - boost build could support MSVC on x64 version of Windows

Reported by: Md Abdur Rahim Owned by: somebody
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: component1 Version: 2.0
Keywords: msvc Cc:


When building the boost libraries, one normally invokes bootstrap.bat, which calls build.bat in tools\build\v2\engine. This script looks for msvc in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\. If Windows is 64 bit but one is using a 32 bit version of Visual Studio (e.g. Express) then build.bat fails due to the location of Visual Studio in Program File (x86). This can be modified by adding the following to build.bat:

if EXIST "%ProgramFiles% \(x86\)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\VCVARSALL.BAT" (

set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc10" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles% \(x86\)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\" goto :eof)

call :Clear_Error

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