Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#127 reopened defect

Building with MSVC from Cygwin doesn't work

Reported by: Dave Abrahams Owned by: ghost
Priority: major Milestone: M13
Component: component1 Version: 2.0
Keywords: Cc: Dave Abrahams ghost


Even when I correct the problem described in by executing

export VS80COMNTOOLS="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\Common7\\Tools\\"

in my Cygwin shell, the build still doesn't work. If I copy the bjam-generated commands and execute them from my bash shell, they work, but when bjam executes them, it sees nonzero error codes. There are no error messages from the invoked command; I'm not sure if that means it's failing or just that its return status is misinterpreted.

There's a lot of code in msvc.jam devoted to getting builds from other OSes to work. Was it tested?

Change History (3)

comment:1 by jurko.gospodnetic@…, 16 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

I tested this on Windows XP SP3 & cygwin bash and it works fine for me.

Cygwin version information:

bash-3.2$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 Badger 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) 2008-06-12 19:34 i686 Cygwin

So, I'll close this issue until someone can present a failing use case.

Also, when opening a Cygwin shell I do have the VS##COMNTOOLS variables defined:

bash-3.2$ env | grep VS
VS71COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\
VS90COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\

but that is a different story.

Best regards,

Jurko Gospodnetić

comment:2 by Dave Abrahams, 16 years ago

  1. This probably should be reopened, because you're not supposed to *need* any environment variables set in order to use Boost.Build, at least as long as you have the right stuff in your user-config.jam, and in fact the msvc toolset goes to such lengths to do auto-detection that a normally installed system should work even without a user-config.jam
  1. shouldn't we copy all these issues over to and shut this one's ticket system down? Importing this trac into another one shouldn't be *too* hard (I think).

comment:3 by Md Abdur Rahim, 16 years ago

Cc: dave ghost added; Dave Abrahams removed
Milestone: M13
Resolution: worksforme
Status: closedreopened
Version: 2.0
  1. This probably should be reopened, because you're not supposed to *need* any environment variables set in order to use Boost.Build, at least as long as you have the right stuff in your user-config.jam, and in fact the msvc toolset goes to such lengths to do auto-detection that a normally installed system should work even without a user-config.jam

Ok, I'm reopening the ticket so I do not forget to look into this, but I do not have time to look at it just now.

  1. shouldn't we copy all these issues over to and shut this one's ticket system down? Importing this trac into another one shouldn't be *too* hard (I think).

That's something to take up with Volodya, but I think he wants Boost Build to remain separate.

Best regards,

Jurko Gospodnetić

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